
Content Experience

Amazon Fashion

Disciplines: UX Design + Visual Design 

As well as the functional aspects of the website, I was also responsible for the landing pages and content. The main challenges we found were catering content for older customers—while trying to attract a new customer base to our site and marry both expectations together.

Content Rich Vs Shopping Optimisation

The Garden Party Collection allowed us to explore a content-rich landing page vs a shorter version. The rich content design utilised video and parallax effects to give into the playful nature of the collection while the optimised design only delivered the core content. Inspiration for this page was taken from Alice in Wonderland and Annoushka Ducas’s Garden and the 70’s era.

Navigation Landing page

During the busy Black Friday period I explored design solutions to enable the customer to get where they wanted while showcasing what we had on offer. We knew we would have a high number of new customers due to our ad traffic spend we did not want to take the customer to a landing page which would increase the number of clicks to get to the product and increase abandonment. My solution was to present the customer navigational option above the product selection. Various designs were explored from text links to graphic blocks—after rounds of user testing we implemented the graphic blocks as we found users engaged more with the images.